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How To Make A Photo Book For Your One Year Wedding Anniversary

Couple hugging

Finding the right anniversary present should be easy. After all, if you’re celebrating a one year wedding anniversary, it’s likely you’ve been with that special someone for a while. You know what they like. You know what they don’t like. So why is a gift so hard?

In a way, it’s the pressure that we put on ourselves. You don’t just want to give a gift. You want to give something special. Meaningful. And this isn’t always easy to work out.

Well, that’s why we’re here. A photo book is one of the simplest – but most special – gifts you can give someone. Not to mention, the one year anniversary is paper. So it all makes sense!

And it really is simple. Say, for instance, you have amassed a collection of photographs on Facebook. All you have to do is pick them out, take them to us, and we’ll turn it into your very own Facebook photo book.

But what pictures? Well, that’s where things get a little trickier. You can’t choose all of them – as much as you might like to! But, again, that’s why we’re here. With this guide, you can get an idea of what to include in your photo book to make it as special as possible. 

The Beginning Of It All

As with any story, you should always start at the beginning. That’s why it’s a good idea to open your photo book with pictures from the very start of your relationship. The first date, the second date, the first time you visited each other’s homes. Even if the photographs aren’t technically great, they will make up for that with the nostalgia that comes from seeing them.

Keep It Personal

Something to remember is that this photo book is just for the pair of you. For this reason, you shouldn’t be afraid to include photographs that are a little bit more personal. Embarrassing nights out, groggy morning hangovers – they can all go in there. Find things that make you laugh and smile and get them all in the photo book to show the full story of your relationship, warts and all!

Include The Quiet Moments

Following on from this, it’s also absolutely fine to include pictures of, well, nothing. That is to say, your photographs don’t all have to be staged or include special occasions where you were both together. Most of the time, your relationship is experienced at home, on ordinary days, with not a lot going on. But in many ways, these are the most special moments of all.

The Wedding 

Of course, you’ve chosen a photo book maker to celebrate the wedding anniversary, so you need to get the wedding in there too! If you have already created a wedding photo book, don’t worry. It’s very likely that not every picture went into that, so find the photographs that had to be emitted the first time. You can also double up if you want to. This is about the story of the pair of you, so don’t be too concerned about using the same photographs that you have used before.

The Honeymoon

Let’s add a bit of the exotic to this photo book! You’re very likely to have taken a load of pictures on the honeymoon, only to stick them on Facebook and let them exist solely in the cloud. The anniversary photo book is an opportunity to give them the gloss they deserve. Remember, however, that you are not working out how to make a vacation photo book. This is still about the relationship. If you have taken some beautiful pictures of a sunset, include the ones that feature the pair of you. That’s what’s important here – not the beauty of the sunset, but the beauty of the couple that are watching it.  

Remember Your Individual Passions

If you want to beef out your photo book even more, don’t be shy of including photographs that feature you as individuals – without the other half, in other words. Say, for instance, your wife enjoys a bit of weekend tennis with her girlfriends. This has become a part of her routine in married life, so celebrate that fact and celebrate her individualism in the process. The same goes for your own hobbies too. You don’t do everything together and working out how to make time for your own hobbies was part of the reason the marriage has worked. So it’s always worth showing that side of your relationship too.

The YOU Picture

In terms of finishing off the photo book, you can’t go wrong with a big showstopper of a picture. This can be the two of you on your honeymoon, your first kiss after being married, the first dance, or even a simple picture of your hand holding hers. Whatever you choose, make sure it makes a statement. After all, the future holds so many possibilities, and your final showstopper should awaken those butterflies and get you both excited to experience all of them.


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