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5 Most Beautiful US Locations To Visit During The Fall

City at fall time

It’s hard to believe, but we are just about nearing the end of summer. Yes, we know. Sob, cry, wail. Let all of those tears out. But then pull yourself together because you’ve got some pictures to take.

Yes, summer is the best season of the year – we challenge anyone to counter that with an actual argument, other than you like fluffy socks and turkey tastes nice – but every new season at least provides some excellent new photograph opportunities. 

Whether it’s for your Instagram page or a new cute square photo book, it’s time for you to get back out there and start snapping some different feels and colors. And boy, does the fall give you those!

Across the USA, there are many beautiful locations and places that radiate that autumnal atmosphere, from incredible oak forests to glistening pumpkin meadows. So, to help you create this fall portfolio, we’re going to list out all of our favorite spots and why they deserve a visit this year! Starting with a place that might as well be known as fall’s screensaver:

Bar Harbor, Maine

If you want to breathe in the salty sea air while lying back and admiring a mass of deep orange forests, then Bar Harbor is the place for you. In actual fact, everywhere in Maine will provide a beautiful fall backdrop, but this spot is especially popular for tourists itching for the ultimate fall experience.

In terms of the pictures you can take, we recommend walking down to the river bed and taking some reflective images of the forest in front of you. If you want a showstopper picture in your beautiful fall photography portfolio, you won't get any better than this.

Central Park, New York

Come on, we had to put this one in here! New York is a photographer's playground at any time of the year, but Central Park certainly hosts the greatest juxtaposition when fall comes around. It comes alive when the leaves start to die! Seriously, though, it does.

 It’s particularly good around mid-October when the sky is blue and crisp, and the elm leaves carpet the grass with yellow and brown. There’s no other word to describe it other than stunning. Just make sure to wrap up warm if you decide to go; the New York chill is not often forgiving!

Siegel’s Cottonwood Farm, Illinois

There’s something about fall and death that goes hand in hand. Whether it’s the leaves dying or a mask-wearing maniac chasing teenagers, we tend to love celebrating something we spend the rest of the year trying not to think about! But, hey, that’s why we love it so much, right? Halloween is one of the most exciting and fun holidays of the year, and there’s no better way to celebrate it than travelling to Siegel’s Cottonwood Farm in Illinois and taking some selfies with a pumpkin or two.

The farm itself is a beautiful expanse of greenery and wildlife, with countless farmhouses dotted around the place, looking like they’ve jumped straight out of the 1950s. It’s a perfect trip that can give you some beautiful photographs and also a few new pumpkins to place on your doorstep.

Taos, New Mexico

We’re gonna go a little different for this one. While most people associate fall colors with the north and northeast of the US, you can actually get some pretty beautiful images if you travel southwest to the landscape of New Mexico. 

We recommend you start this journey by travelling on the Enchanted Circle, which is the best scenic drive in all of New Mexico. Here, you will track through the towns of Questa, Red River, and, finally, Taos. The views and colors you will see are to die for. Oh, there we go, we mentioned death again.

Aspen, Colorado

Come on, this place is literally named after a tree. It’s going to give you some good fall photographs. In fact, if you’re thinking about uploading your photographs to a photo book maker, you could just fill the whole book with pictures of Aspen. 

Before the ski season starts, this place is awash with amazing colors and scenes, with the incredible mountains, lakes, and forests just making those scenes all the more beautiful. For wildlife lovers, it’s also a great spot to get out on a few hikes and capture some amazing animals in action. For this reason and many more, it really is one of the best places in the US this time of year. In fact, we’d almost say it proves fall is better than summer. Almost…


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